
139 Freeman’s Bridge Road in Scotia, New York 12302


We have been in business for 40 years, and are the only company within a 100-mile radius that specializes in British restoration. Other brands are also serviced at M&S Cycle. We deal in a high variety of specialty parts to suit your needs.

Looking for a used British motorcycle? Call to see what we have available or to order parts and services. Check our ebay and site store! You will be assured of purchasing the correct parts/services for your classic bike.


We are a full service shop prepared to service your motorcycle. From minor to major restorations, we do it all. Our services include head rebuilding, cylinder reboring, wheel lacing, painting, race engines, street engines and transmission building.


I was asked to design and fabricate a coffee table that would showcase a 1971 A65 BSA Engine. The coffee table is now nicely displayed in an insurance company office. After much thought, I decided to use a steel base with machine swirling. The engine swivels on the base. The coffee table top is made of 3/8 inch plate glass with the BSA logo frosted in. The glass rests on four engine valves that I attached to the engine. The engine can be enjoyed from every angle. You too can have something similar to showcase your favorite motorcycle engine or anything else. Call or e-mail to discuss your project!